While there certainly are some realities about life on the east coast to which I am having difficulty adjusting (the frequently mentioned driving experiences, for example), there are others that bring me pure joy each day. Landlocked in the midwest, it was a rare treat to encounter large bodies of water; here in Baltimore, there's an Inner Harbor I drive past daily. New activities like sailing (which I sadly missed out on doing with Adam and friends this past weekend) and simply walking along a waterfront are possibilities regularly. As well, I seem to meet far more people with government ties - whether they've met famous politicians, work for political organizations, or just work for government agencies. These are novelties, at least for a while.

Beyond those somewhat obvious new experiences and opportunities, there are the daily delights. These are endlessly exciting to me (mostly because I am a HUGE nerd). Maybe most importantly is coffee... and, not just any coffee. I know, I know, I've been making it at home for years now. But, you all know it's not the same. There's just something wonderful about walking into the store, eyeballing the pastry treats (which sugar-free me clearly avoids) and asking with barely contained anticipation for a large coffee. A large
Dunkin' Donuts hazelnut coffee with cream and Splenda. I don't expect that will get old soon. I could stop upwards of 20 times on my way to work each day; that's how many DD's there are. Obviously, I don't get coffee that many times a day - it would be unhealthy and unnecessary. But, I CAN. And, that's what matters.
On a slightly lesser note (but still awesome) is furniture shopping. We're spoiled out here. In the midwest you'd have a day's drive to the blue and yellow mecca I can access every single day with a short 10-mile drive (from the Laurel apartment): Ikea. Cheap, trendy furniture at the tip of my fingers. And, I have a red corduroy couch from "As Is" which I got for half-off to prove it.
And, once I get my butt over to it, I'll be sure to brag for a few minutes about the REI in College Park, too :)
So, while I miss the Coffee Zone and the convenience of residence-hall-provided furniture, I'm gettin' by with the alternatives.
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