Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Wow. With a friend like Kevin, I might be able to take LOOOONG breaks from the blogging. See below...

Kevin writes, "Given how stressed out you are, I've taken the liberty of being your ghostwriter for the day:

So this week has been pretty rough
I'm dealing with Service Day stuff
Just want to go home
After writing this poem
Cause my stress-level has reached high enough.

My plates are about to expire
Can't sleep so I'm feeling real tired
Would rather be with my cat
And not doing stats
Instead must drink coffee so I'm wired.

Now this is the end of my tale
Must study my stats and not fail
Now that my blog is online
Kevin won't have to whine
And I can return to my blitzkreig of e-mail."

I'll try to catch y'all up on life before too much longer. Perhaps after Service Day (next Monday), the license plates are renewed (next Wednesday, at the latest), and/or when the stats final is finished (this Thursday night). Wish me luck. Oh, and I'll be taking submissions for future blog entries. Inquire within.

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