Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not that it's any of your business

(Stage direction: To be read with a smile in my voice.) I must admit, I've heard that dating is pretty tough. This could be true, I suppose. My experience around said topic is fairly limited, to grossly understate that. I have managed for years to simply fall into relationships... missing out on the courtship associated with the dance of dating. No fancy dinners. No spontaneous kisses. No unexpectedness. Really, I've just gone from friendship to relationship without passing "Go."

Thus, when a friend of mine offered to set me up, I was skeptical. First of all, this friend has known me a mere two months. Second, since when do I need help finding prospective partners to treat me like dirt? Long story short, I agreed with a great deal of hesitation.

I guess that technically the idea of a blind date means you have never seen or met the person you'll be going out with. Fortunately, in my case, I did have a brief encounter with the guy with whom I was being set up. And, he was cute. Seemed to have a sense of humor. And, he was normal. (That is so key.)

Not that I wasn't a bundle of nerves. Still am a little bit. You sort of have to make yourself vulnerable to go out with someone you don't know at all (I suppose for those of you more practiced at this, my observations are fairly obvious). But, we doubled with friends for our first outing and had a lovely dinner in D.C. I can't think of that last time someone put together such a flawless and thoughtful evening. For me, though, it was spending time together simply talking and connecting that made the greatest impact. A week later (so, this past weekend), we were able to get together again... I was treated to a home-cooked meal, some wine (hmm, I like wine!), and walking in Georgetown.

And, that's enough for public consumption!

In the end, I am getting to know someone new. And, I like it. But, since both he and the friend who worked so hard to set us up read this little blog, I'm leaving it at that. You'll have to call me if you want more details.

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