Saturday, October 14, 2006

I forgot about October

Long time gone, I know... But, no worries, it's just because I've been buried in school work, Scholars stuff, life's daily tasks, and, well, Chris. I don't mind too much :)

I've done some fun stuff in recent weeks, including a trip to Congress, an Alzeimer's walk in Philly with Chris' family, and a super-fun birthday party for a friend. The best part of the Capitol visit was that I got to see Rep. Kenny Hulsoff on the House floor, voting (actually, he was voting to take a vote on an issue. Ah, bureaucracy). This was quite exciting to me since Kenny plays the drums and sings for the choir at Newman in CoMo. He's a good guy, and it was fun to know someone in the chamber among all the other "famous" House types.

Obviously, for your enjoyment, I have included a few photos from recent weeks. Above is a pic of Chris and me from the b-day party. As well, below is one of Chris being a ladies' man with my cohort friends, and then there's one of Kristan and me. For that occasion, we ventured out in Adam's Morgan (a D.C. neighborhood, know in large part for the bar scene). Good times!

Last weekend, I also had a really wonderful chance to meet Chris' mom and other family members when we drove to Philadelphia to walk in a 5K in memory of his grandmother. It was a short walk, but the morning and early afternoon chatting and dining with "the fam" was very nice. It's always refreshing to know the guy you're dating comes from good people. :)

I'm off to the Scholars citation ceremony today, followed by a three day trip to Syracuse NY for a conference. It's a busy month! More later...

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