Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Big dreams

"Stand often in the company of dreamers: they tickle your common sense
and believe you can achieve things which are impossible."
- Mary Anne M.B.L. Radmacher

I just returned this afternoon from a terrific conference in Syracuse about living-learning communities. I saw so many wonderful people; was inspired by the messages of presenters, speakers, and colleagues; and generally rediscovered a passion for what I am trying to do within higher education. It was a blast, and I'm still processing all I gained. For the meantime, here are some cute photos of my friends from today and my Mizzou years...

Yay! It's a smattering of past and present Mizzou people (with a special message for the missing Dave Mac). We have a vision. It has something to do with creating conditions that motivate and inspire students to pursue educationally purposeful activities :)
This is Greg and me. We never actually worked together, but we share a common love of MU. And, Decatur... One day we'll actually be in the same place at the same time!
I love my Scholars colleagues! Aren't they so cute?
And, here's Dee with me at a restaurant. She's a Wash U person (she graciously hosted my staff last year for a retreat). But, she's also a former Marylander. We are SO ubiquitous.

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