The past few weeks have been less than exciting on the whole so far as reporting on life out East goes... I have been keeping very busy with coursework. It's exciting at times to think about all I am learning about theory and statistics and our field of student affaiars. More frequently, though, it's exhausting.

To keep life interesting, I have tried to maintain a bit of a social life. Chris and I attended a Halloween party this past weekend at some friends' house, where we maybe imbibed a little too much, but it was a relaxing night nonetheless. My costume? Are you kidding... I was a stressed out grad student. Clearly. And, on Sunday, Danny and I went on a little adventure to Virginia. The adventurous part was definitely the scenic drive through D.C. (it was more than a little detour). An hour and a half after departing, we made it to the Birchmere, a very cool concert venue in Arlington where we saw Lucy Kaplansky and Catie Curtis (folks singers) perform. Definitely worth the small detour, though, as we were right next to the stage for an excellent show.
As well, yesterday my classmates and I made our way into the district to visit higher education associations. We met with some bigwigs (oh, and plenty of peons) at the American Council on Education, ACPA, NASPA, the Council for Independent Colleges, and the American Association of Colleges and Universities. It was a long day, filled with lots of interesting conversations - but my favorite was still the free stuff. If the faculty thing falls through for me, perhaps I'll explore opportunities for association work :)
Anyway, not too much to tell you beyond the mundane. I'm getting by...
1 comment:
im coming to umuc from dec. 7-11 for crap for work. we should hang out, or not, because you never, ever called me, ever. dan
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