Tuesday, January 16, 2007

And, then it was January

Time really does fly when one gets busy being between semesters, doesn't it? Since the holidays, I've steadily immersed myself in little adventures, including the one pictured above. Danny and I hung out in Cafe Hon in Baltimore shortly after the new year began, and I started my holiday weight loss plan (hence me reading the Abs Diet book) with arguably the best hummus plate I've had since moving out east.

Other highlights of recent weeks have included a hockey game at Verizon Center with Chris and a few friends of his; a trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore with Danny; sight-seeing in Frederick, MD with Chris; and finding a halfway decent Starbucks I can escape to when I need a "coffee shop." A pictorial highlight includes the one-flippered turtle seen here at the aquarium.
And, here's the Inner Harbor of Baltimore at night.

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