Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New adventures... old blog

Hiking on St. John in July '09

It's difficult to contemplate that I have been in the metro DC area for nearly 4 years. Life has changed a lot since I arrived. In the time since my last post, I've been busy living my life - even if I haven't made time to write about it. I've fallen in love, traveled to some new places, advanced to candidacy in my doc program, and proposed my dissertation. Now, I am in search of a new place to live with my beau, Sean, while simultaneously working on collecting data for my dissertation.

I feel like the changes in my life have made this blog something I do not make time for. I would still like to put my thoughts and ideas out there. That said, I might be moving to a new blog. If so, I'll be sure to post the link here for your reference. Here's a few pics for you in the meantime!

In Chicago with my sister and nephew in September '09

With Sean and my fabulous boss Martha in March '10

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