Monday, September 04, 2006

New adventures!

As compared with most cities of the Midwest, those on the East Coast (or Mid-Atlantic region) are all so close to one another! Danny commented the other day that it would take more than one day to visit St. Louis, Jefferson City, and Kansas City in Missouri. You'd spend 4+ hours simply driving across the state. Not so here... the brief hour trip from Baltimore to D.C. on a weekend amazes me (do not try it on a weekday - that's a completely different beast).

In any case, for my long Labor Day weekend, I actually did make it to quite a few sights around the area here. On Thursday evening, I traveled with a friend to a small, darling town north of me for a walk and drinks. And, on Friday, I tackled a bit of driving in the District itself and ate at a great Mexican place near 18th NW and U St. NW. Saturday included an Ikea run - both to the College Park and White Marsh (north of Baltimore) locations. But, the final exploration was the best.

Since it's a holiday weekend, Danny and I decided to look for events in the area. This search led us to Annapolis, Maryland state capital. I know what you're thinking. With our NATION"S capital right in my backyard, what's the allure of a little town along the Chesapeake?

Well, just see for yourself! We had a great time peeking into little shops and galleries, eating in a pub, tooling around by the waterfront, and, FINALLY after searching for what seemed to be hours, getting up close and personal with the capital buildings. I mean, it's not like we didn't see them... that would be impossible, right? (No, seriously, we didn't even notice them when we drove into the Main St. area. Clearly we aren't very sleuth-like!)

Here are a few photo highlights:

This is outside some fancy historic hotel. Danny says my sunglasses are too trendy. Thoughts?

They raised the drawbridge to let a sailboat pass. I enjoyed the view and my no-sugar-added Ben & Jerry's.

The door to the Capital was locked. Bummer!

Does Danny really think Governor Ehrlich is that approachable?

This is me, in a dark alley. That's the capital beyond me. Cool, eh?

The Terp statue and I were bonding...

But, leave it to Danny to take it too far.


DancingFish said...

Hi there! I share your wonderment of everything East Coast including the closeness of places. For my research I am going to the New Jersey coast twice this week- only 2.5 hours away!
Glad to read all is going well for you.

Danny said...

Ehrlich, when referring to governor Bob Ehrlich of Maryland, has two "h"s and is spelt E-h-r-l-i-c-h.
And, for those wondering, she means 18th St NW and U St. NW, so you know, the U Street / Adam's Morgan neighborhoods (Not, say, near Fort Stanton Park, in SE).